Have You Experienced Identity-Based Harm?

We are here to help.

The first step is to fill out our secure online form, which will be received by the Identity-Based Harm Review Team. We will determine which office is best suited to help, and someone from that office will reach back out to you confidentially.

Even if you are unsure whether the incident involved bias, please go ahead and fill out our form anyway. We want to know what happened, and we’ll work with you on next steps. 

Johnson Chapel in autumn

Tell Us What Happened

Fill out our secure online Identity-Based Harm Reporting Form, which will be received by the Identity-Based Harm Review Team.

What Happens After I Submit the Reporting Form?

When the College is made aware of an incident or situation potentially involving identity-based bias or harm, the report will be reviewed by the Identity-Based Harm Review Team. If the review team determines that an incident report describes actions potentially indicating identity-based bias that is not discrimination, harassment, or a violation of the honor code, yet is still harmful to the reporting individual or the community, the Bias Education Response Team will be notified and will develop a response.

If the report does not indicate bias, but instead discrimination, harassment, or a Title IX or a community standards violation, the report and/or the reporting party will be referred to the appropriate campus partner for follow-up.

Read a summary of the process and see a flowchart.

The Bias Handbook

The contents of the Bias Handbook are currently being reviewed and will be re-drafted to reflect changes and updates in staffing, resources, and practices.

College policies that govern the College's response to concerns of identity-based harm have not changed and remain available to all, namely the Nondiscrimination and Harassment Policy and Interim Title IX Policy.

Community members with concerns or questions about identity-based harm, including sexual misconduct, should contact:

Maureen Holland
Interim Title IX Coordinator