Memorial Service for Peter Pouncey (1937-2023)

Amherst College mourns the passing of Peter Pouncey on May 30, 2023. Pouncey served as the 16th president of the College from 1984 to 1994 and remained at Amherst as the Burnell-Forbes Professor of Greek until 1998.

A memorial service for President Pouncey will be held on campus on Sunday, October 1, at 2:00 p.m. in Johnson Chapel. Together with his family, we invite all those who would like to gather and remember Peter to attend. A reception will be held in Lewis-Sebring, Valentine Hall, following the ceremony.

Please see his obituary for more information.

For those who wish, gifts in President Pouncey’s memory can be made to the Peter R. Pouncey Scholarship Fund.

Will you attend the memorial service?
Will you attend the reception?