Courses in Mathematics and Statistics

Fall 2023

Chris Elliott (Section 04)
Miriam Kuzbary (Section 03)
Jessica Sidman (Section 01)
Yongheng Zhang (Section 02)
TBA (Section 01)
Chris Elliott (Sections 03 and 04)
Aamir Rasheed (Section 02)
Jessica Sidman (Section 05)
TBA (Section 01)
Ryan J. Alvarado (Section 02)
Robert L. Benedetto (Section 03)
Gregory S. Call (Section 04)
Michael C. Ching (Section 05)
Ivan Contreras (Section 06)
Amanda L. Folsom (Section 07)
Katherine E. Moore (Section 08)
Nathan K. Pflueger (Section 09)
Aamir Rasheed (Section 10)
David Zureick-Brown (Section 11)
TBA (Section 01)
Nicholas J. Horton (Section 02)
TBA (Section 01)
Katharine F. Correia (Section 02)
Nicholas J. Horton (Section 03)
Shu-Min Liao (Section 04)
Amy S. Wagaman (Section 05)