Corey O'Callaghan '25 smiling and standing outside on a sunny day

Hi there! My name is Corey, and I’m from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I am a rising sophomore, and I’m really excited to share some of my experiences as an Amherst College student with you this summer! I’m a prospective math major, but I’m also interested in music theory, dance, making earrings, learning fun facts about the ocean, collecting various teas, and Dungeons and Dragons. Outside of classes, I like to have movie nights with my friends, explore the Pioneer Valley area, read inside Frost Library, or go for hikes in the woods.

Some of my favorite places on campus are the Queer Resource Center, the dance studios inside Webster Hall, C level of Frost Library, and the Beneski Museum of Natural History! I enjoy helping out with tech for the theater and dance department when I have time. I’m also involved in Amherst College’s Arting Club and Hillel, the Jewish affinity group on campus. Also during the school year, I work as a tour guide for the visitor relations team in the Office of Admissions, and next semester, I will be starting as a program organizer at the Class and Access Resource Center.

If you have any questions about anything at all or want to reach out my email is