Deceased February 10, 2009

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In Memory

Joe Drew and Graham Dripps both matriculated to Amherst from The Haverford School in suburban Philadelphia. Both Graham and Bob McAdoo remember him as a jovial and generous guy; they better remember his spiffy Packard station wagon that carried the three of them back and forth between Amherst and Haverford.

Joe left Amherst after his freshman year, enlisted in the army, never left the states ending his career as 1st lieutenant; along the way he met, wooed and married Ernestine, and they had 66 wonderful years together.

He spent most of his business life with Great Valley Industries in various sales positions, retiring as a vice president and then as a part-time consultant. He was active in the local American Legion, the Mantle Club and the Countryville Methodist Church.

He and “Ernie” had four children; they and their offspring were the joy of his life. He was a very loving parent and mentor. As one of his children stated, “Dad’s legacy was all about love—love of God, love of country, love of family. Dad treated us and all those with whom he came in contact with respect, kindness and sincerity.”

What more could one ask of an individual?

—Monty Hankin ’43