Anthony Hazen ’59 died January 30, 2010.
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Tony Hazen passed away on Jan. 30. We extend our sincere regrets to Carol Hazen and include her words written for our 50th Reunion class book to characterize Tony.

            She summarized that traveling down the blacktop road with Tony was never dull. “For those of you who knew him at Amherst and have not had the pleasure of his company through the years, nothing much changed until his illness. He always flew through life by the seat of his pants, always looking for adventure, always joking.” It gave Carol some pause when, during her first visit to Amherst with him in 1962, a policeman in town called out Tony’s nickname, “Hey, Rainbow!”

            Peter Deisroth ’61 recalls that Tony was one of the friendliest people he knew. Peter added that Tony was the master of the quick study. He never let research get in the way of being social chairman of the fraternity, playing bridge or playing squash. The day before a paper was due, he would go to the library and return with the information necessary to have the paper finished on time.

            Tony attended BC Law and received his law degree from New England Law. Tony was a member of both the Rhode Island and Massachusetts Bar Associations and was a trial lawyer for Kemper Insurance.

            Tony was known for his brilliant mind, quick wit and athleticism. Carol recalls that one of Tony’s last conversations before his speech left him was advising a tennis friend who referred to “AmHerst” that he went to Amherst, “the H is silent and the accentuation is on the first syllable.”

            Along with his wife, Carol, of 49 years, he is survived by his daughter, Kate Wilson, and his beloved grandson, Drew Wilson, both of Dedham, Mass.

—Lou Greer ’59