From The Olio

108-16 66th Avenue, Forest HIlls 75, N.Y.
Prepared at Forest HIlls High School
Phi Alpha Psi
Cheerleader. Swimming "1962", 2. Tennis
Blood Drive Committee, S.R.E.
STUDENT, Junior Editorial Board.
Amherst-Smith Orchestra, Vice-President.
Collegium Musicum, Hillel.

[Olio spelling of last name agreed to be in error.]

In Memory

After graduation, Ted earned a master's degree and a Ph.D. in comparative literature, then settled in France, where he taught at the Sorbonne and became a highly sought-after freelance interpreter, working for international organizations, major companies and European world leaders.  Francophile and francophone, world traveler, violist and pianist, distance runner and spiritual seeker, Ted was far more than the sum of his parts. His intellectual curiosity and lively conversations with friends and relatives continued until his death from a heart attack on May 31, 2016.

Sandy Short '62


Ann Friend, Smith '62: We at Smith knew him as Teddy [!]. On an off chance, I have just looked him up on Google and am very sad to learn of his death from a heart attack five years ago. I last saw him in London, I don't know exactly when, but a long time ago.  We had dinner and a long talk at a very good Indian restaurant.

I guess at our age what can we expect, people are dying, but all the same it did make me feel very sad to find out that he had died.