Statement from the Amherst College Police Department

The Amherst College Police Department (ACPD)—its leadership, supervisors, and staff—join our campus community in denouncing the violent racist actions that resulted in the senseless killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.  

ACPD holds sacred the phrase “to protect and serve;” our actions will always reflect this value. We have long embraced our role as community caretakers. We work hard to build and maintain a culture, underpinned by practices and policies, that support just and equitable policing. Our highest priority is to treat people with dignity and respect thus creating an environment of trust with the community. We know we need to earn that trust, and we take that commitment very seriously. 

Guided by the President’s Task Force Report on Policing in the 21st Century developed during the Obama administration, we seek to work proactively with our community to build relationships and engage in collaborative approaches to supporting and making the community safer. This is reflected in our close relationships with the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Beyond the basic requirements for law enforcement training, ACPD focuses on training that is specifically relevant to our diverse community, such as focused training on trauma-aware investigations, fair and impartial policing, solution-based community policing, implicit bias, and transgender awareness. 

We continue to commit to building trust and legitimacy, developing strong policy and oversight, connecting with our community, and being the best-educated and thoughtfully-trained department we can be.