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Conversations on implicit bias have become quite popular in current discourse on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion for good reason: Our unconscious biases drive how we react to and show up in various situations in ways that can even be counter to our own stated values and beliefs. Beginning to recognize the ways in which our intentions and impact may be misaligned is a key step towards creating a more inclusive culture for all. This introductory workshop is designed to initiate a conversation on individual bias and microaggressions with the following goals:

  • Develop an understanding of the definition of implicit bias and its prevalence
  • Reflect on how our identities, experiences and privileges shape our biases and may impact interactions with colleagues / community members
  • Define and recognize microaggressions, and develop tools in order to interrupt them 
  • Recognize the difference between intent and impact, and gain experience addressing impact.
  • Develop the capacity for disrupting unconscious bias and microaggressions, implementing strategies to foster an environment of equity and belonging.
Date Time Location
Postponed to the Fall TBD Zoom