Published in the:

The Daily Camera
Boulder, Colorado

August 18, 2019

J.Thomas Nash died Tuesday, July 30, 2019 from complications following open heart surgery. He is survived by his wife, Marti, daughters Katharine and Laura, their husbands Paul Suding and Erik Edborg, grandchildren Madeline and Thomas Suding, cousin Susan Nash Rice, niece Susan Johnson Preston, nephews Douglas and Kenneth Johnson and brother-in-law H. Keith Johnson. He was predeceased by his parents and by his older sister, Nancy Nash Johnson. He lived in Louisville, CO.

Tom was a rare combination of scientist, handyman, gifted writer and faithful correspondent to the many friends made along the way. We will miss his steady, loving voice in our lives.

Tom was born 78 yrs ago on July 30, 1941, in Glen Cove, L.I.,NY. He spent his childhood in Wilmington, DE, attending Wilmington Friends School, and on Lake Champlain near Keesville, NY. His summers there were a boy's dream: backpacking and canoe trips in the Adirondacks; climbing the fabled 46er's with older sister Nancy and father Dan; sailing on the lake; and in his teens as a counselor at North Country Camps, Lincoln.

He graduated from Amherst College in 1963, then Columbia U. with a Ph.D. in Geology, 1966. His entire working career was with the U.S.Geological Survey, retiring in 2002. This work carried him happily throughout the West on summer field trips and down into working gold and uranium mines. Many younger colleagues will be forever grateful for his mentorship. He loved being a geologist. It allowed him to combine a strong work ethic and independent spirit with his lifelong love of open spaces.

A memorial service will be Wed, Aug 28, 2019, 4pm, at St John's Episcopal Church in Boulder, CO. Donations can be made to Sister Carmen Comm. Ctr, Lafayette, CO.