December 1, 2020

On December 14, 2020 the chat functionality built into Gmail, known as “Hangouts”, will be replaced with a new, modern chat service called Google Chat. If you used classic Hangouts previously, you will be able to continue recent 1:1 direct messages from classic Hangouts in Google Chat, and all previous chat history from classic Hangouts will be accessible in Gmail under the "Chat" label.

How do I get Google Chat?
On December 14, 2020 Google Chat will automatically replace classic Hangouts in Gmail; however, if you used classic Hangouts, you will want to download the Google Chat desktop application, the mobile app, or both and launch them on December 14, as follows: 

  • Explore the new Web experience at
  • Download the new mobile app for Android or iOS
  • Download the new standalone desktop app if you've been using the classic Hangouts Chrome extension or app. You'll be able to access the desktop app from a prompt that will appear inside
  • On December 14, refresh your Gmail to get the new Chat in Gmail experience.

Where do I find my old chats?
You will be able to continue recent 1:1 direct messages from classic Hangouts in Google Chat. All previous chat history from classic Hangouts will be accessible in Gmail under the "Chat" label.

Where can I learn more information about transitioning to Chat?
You may visit the Google Workspace Learning Center for this topic.

Please contact us at, if you have any questions.