This page provides information about what doxing (or doxxing) is and how to respond when it occurs, including how to report doxing that occurs within the Amherst College community, resources to assist when doxing originates from outside of the Amherst College community, and steps to take to minimize the chances of being doxed.

Online abuse or harassment (including trolling, cyberbullying, and doxing) by Amherst College community members is not tolerated. These activities violate College policies, including the Acceptable Use Policy and Amherst College Student Code of Conduct, and will be referred to the Office of Community Standards or Human Resources. 

What is Doxing?

Doxing is an act of harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying that involves publicly exposing someone's private information, such as their name, address, job, or other identifying information, without their consent. (Even if an individual’s personal information is not posted, sharing certain information about an individual without permission may still be a form of targeting if there is implicit encouragement for others to criticize or harass the person being targeted.)

Doxing is increasingly used to attack people with opposing viewpoints.

Amherst College prohibits all forms of doxing, including but not limited to disseminating private, identifying, or sensitive information; encouraging or inciting others to dox; assisting in doxing; threatening to dox someone; using doxing to blackmail or threatening to blackmail; or using information gained through doxing to harass, intimidate, or harm someone.

What should I do if I experience doxing?

If you have been doxed, you may want to consider the following actions (explained in more detail further below):

  1. Request that false information or information posted without consent be taken down.
  2. Contact platforms or web domain registrars to request the removal of abusive content.
  3. Document the abuse (by taking screenshots or otherwise preserving evidence).
  4. Report doxing through our online incident reporting portal and/or to law enforcement.
  5. Obtain legal advice regarding consequences to you and possible civil actions against abusers.
  6. Delist from College directories and scrub your data online.

If you are experiencing emotional distress and wish to speak to a mental health counselor, contact:

Students: Amherst College Center for Counseling and Mental Health (413-542-2354)

Faculty and Staff: New Directions (800-624-5544; Company Code: Amherst College)

If you feel unsafe or are unsure about whom to call, Amherst College Police (413-542-2291) can assist or direct you to the appropriate on-campus resource.

If you or those close to you are in imminent physical danger or there has been a direct threat of physical violence, you should immediately call the Amherst College Police Department (ACPD) at 413-542-2291 or, if off-campus, call 911.

More Information on Doxing Actions

Additional Resources 

Thanks to our colleagues at Columbia University (Resources to Assist After Online Targeting/Doxing) and Tufts University (How to Protect Yourself from Doxing) for sharing their anti-doxing resources with us.