Spring 2024

State, Society, and Family in Early Modern China

Listed in: Asian Languages and Civilizations, as ASLC-367  |  History, as HIST-367


George Qiao (Section 01)


(Offered as HIST 367 [AS/TE/TS] and ASLC 367.) This class introduces students to the major historical scholarship and debates on state, society, and the family and kinship structures in China from the mid-seventeenth century to the mid-nineteenth century. The purpose of the course is to not only familiarize students with important issues in late imperial Chinese history but also engage them in representative work by successive generations of scholars in order to understand how historical interpretations (including theoretical orientations, methodology, and use of sources) have developed over time. We will focus on the following topics: the feature of the imperial state; the structure of local government and rural control; the law in society; heterodoxy, collective violence, and peasant rebellion; the evolution of the Chinese family and lineage system; gender and sexuality; the nature of the Chinese “gentry” and the foundations of their power; civil examination and elite reproduction; agrarian economy and city life. All of these topics have provoked intense debates and fostered an important and growing body of scholarship. Requirements include short response papers and topical essays. No prerequisite. 

Spring semester. Professor Qiao.

How to handle overenrollment: null

Students who enroll in this course will likely encounter and be expected to engage in the following intellectual skills, modes of learning, and assessment: Emphasis on written work and reading skills. Requirements include short response papers and topical essays.


Other years: Offered in Fall 2018