
Café & Konditorei Rothe in Schwerin, a town in German Chancellor Angela Merkel's home state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, May 15, 2020

Spring 2024

German Table, Mondays (beginning February 5), 12pm - 2pm, Valentine Hall, Mezzanine (upstairs)
Drop by for however long you are able between 12pm and 2pm to practice your German with casual conversation while enjoying your lunch with your Language Assistants and classmates. German speakers of all levels are welcome!

Kaffeeklatsch, Tuesdays (beginning February 6), 8pm - 9:30pm, Porter House
Come join your German Language Assistants, classmates and faculty for food and conversation. This is a great opportunity to practice your German in a casual and relaxing environment. German speakers of all levels are welcome!

Please email with any questions.