We are all familiar with music. It fills our public and private spaces. It accompanies our rituals, foments political rebellions, controls populations, makes us dance, cry or laugh. But as familiar and as ubiquitous as it is, music has a rich and complex, sometimes even mysterious existence.
As a music major, you will deepen the ways in which you know music and learn new ways of engaging with it. Through the integration of musical practice and scholarship, you will develop your abilities to:

  • Perform and create music in dialogue with musical traditions
  • Analyze music in support of critical interpretation and creative work
  • Examine the intersections of music with history and social practice
  • Communicate your knowledge of music through writing and other media

These skills will enable you to construct your own goals and pathways for learning about music at Amherst and beyond.

Daniel Ang '15 at piano in silhouette


As familiar and as ubiquitous as it is, music has a rich and complex, sometimes even mysterious existence.