Residential Engagement & Wellbeing Student Positions

Community Advisors

Each Spring, Community Advisors (CAs) are selected from the current first-year, sophomore, and junior classes. CAs are expected to be community builders and campus leaders in their residence halls and are a crucial link between the College and the student community. Key components of the role include: programming, resource and referral, conflict resolution, and the implementation and enforcement of policies and procedures as outlined by the Residential Engagement & Wellbeing and the Office of Student Affairs. The CA role is a great opportunity for students to learn and develop a wide range of skills that can be used beyond the scope of this position. CAs live in the residences that they oversee and are expected to have an openness towards, acceptance of, and concern for, others. CAs will gain a wide knowledge of the various aspects of the College through training provided each semester. The job requires passion and general readiness to engage and develop community, as well as supporting and assisting students in their transition to college and throughout their college experience.

Important Dates

Application Launch: First week of December (Do NOT submit the application currently on our website. That is from this past year. We will be launching an updated one).
Deadline to Apply: First week of January
Notice of Interview Offer: Last week of January
Interviews Begin: First week of February
Final Decisions & Offers Sent Out: First/second week of March


To apply you will need to complete a CA application.  The CA application will be live at the beginning of December 2023!  

Information Sessions

December 20th: Virtual from 11 am - 12 pm - to join, the link found HERE

Our application is now live. If you have any questions, you can contact Residential Engagement & Wellbeing

Students without work authorization who are interested in experiential learning opportunities within our department are encouraged to reach out to Resdiential Engagemnt & Wellbeing at to discuss options eligible for the RISE Fellowship.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the prerequisites or qualifications to applying?
  • We ask that you be your absolute true self when filling out the application and going through the interview process. You should have a passion for interacting with students which includes referring them to resources, providing them with support, as well as facilitating programs aimed to engage and educate our students in a variety of topics that include their health and wellbeing. Candidates should also show a dedication toward being advocates for students and a desire to speak out on issues identified in the community, and are willing to bring forth new ideas. Refer to this past year's position description for all qualifications to become a CA.  The updated postion description will be available shortly, and all students will have access to the updated job description before they interview.
When do we need to be back on campus for training?
  • Anticipate a required return to campus as much as 2 weeks prior to the start of the Fall semester and 5 days prior to the start of the Spring semester for training programs. 
May I commit for only the Fall semester?
  • We require that all applicants commit for a full academic year (Fall & Spring semesters).

Can I be an orientation leader and community advisor at the same time?

  • No, we do NOT permit our CAs to also be OLs. This is because our training programs conflict and bear too heavy of a workload which can lead to burnout!
What do the time commitments look like? Are there any specific times we are required to report to CA duties?
  • As a CA you will be responsible for planning and facilitating programs and events, floor meetings, supporting departmental programs, assisting with move-in day, closing responsibilities, etc. just to name a few. However, some fixed times that you should block off on your calendar include 2 weeks prior to the start of the Fall semester and 5 days prior to the start of the Spring semester for training programs, and 7:30pm-9:00pm every Wednesday for weekly staff meetings. 
Are we permitted to have other jobs and/or be involved in extracurricular activities?
  • Yes, it is very common that CAs are involved in other positions and extra curricular activities. However, be mindful that the CA position does take priority over other involvements. It is also vital to be mindful how heavy involvement can impact one's mental health and wellbeing!
What is my responsibility with responding to incidents? 
  • CAs are mandatory reporters and must report any information related to sexual misconduct to a member of the Civil Rights and Title IX Office under the Amherst College Title IX Policy. CAs must also report any emergencies, violent behavior, hate crimes, bias incidents, and/or whether students may be a harm to themselves or others immediately. Refer to the Civil Rights & Title IX page for more information. CAs are required to report instances of conduct violations of which they become aware, whether through direct observation or second-hand information. You will receive training on how to support students and report up in certain incidents. 

Where will I live? Do I get to choose my living assignment?

  • You will be placed in a specific area when a decision is made regarding your candidacy. Your placement will be communicated to you in your offer letter. The selection committee will decide placements which are based on a comprehensive overview of your application and interview. This is to ensure that we are meeting the needs of each area by assigning CAs with specific skill sets, talents, strengths, as well as passions and interests. 
Attachment Size
Community Advisor Position Description 60.25 KB