A woman speaking at a podium with a banner saying Amherst College in the background
Applying Psychology

by Katharine Whittemore

How to get the most out of college

An illustration of students walking in front of South College
So Many Andrews

Meet the new students

A black and white photo of a woman wearing a black shirt
This Changed Everything

by Emily Gold Boutilier

Alumni to faculty: here’s what worked

A young woman in a white dress in front of the Holyoke Range
Surprise Prize

by Emily Gold Boutilier

Turns out, she was top in her class

A woman wearing Native American dress
Seeing Native Art

Interview By Margot Lurie ’21

The story of two screen prints at the Mead

A Victorian parlor with a table and lamp in the center
Poetic Parlor

by Madeline Levine

A major restoration of the Dickinson Homestead

A collage of people working on the interior of Johnson Chapel
Fresh for Fall

by Madeline Levine

A busy construction season