Professional and Biographical Information


Ph.D., University of Maryland, 2018
M.A., University of Maryland, 2015
B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009

Research Interests

I am a macroeconomist with research interests in firm life-cycle dynamics and financial frictions. I focus on the role of firm behavior, and factors affecting firm behavior, in determining macroeconomic outcomes. My research employs heterogeneous agent models to answer questions about the ways in which frictions and distortions affect firm outcomes and what the macroeconomic implications are both in the long run and over the business cycle.

Teaching Interests

I have taught a course on the economics of entrepreneurship, which explores recent research related to the life cycle of firms, focusing especially on the role of young firms for growth, innovation, and rising living standards in the US economy. I have also taught the introductory economics course, in which I hope to inspire students to examine the world with an economist’s toolkit.


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