Biophysical Society Meeting

The O'Hara lab loves to go to the Biophysical Society Meetings.  These meetings are perfectly sized for us to feel as though we have our choice of interesting talks, seminars, and workshops to attend while being small enough that poster sessions are attended by PIs and students get to interact with many other scientists.  Thesis writers present their work as a poster and we try to get to as many talks as we can. 

In 2014, the meeting was in San Francisco and Pat, Jim Hebda, Raysa Cabrejo '14, and Shazad Anwar '14 were able to make it. Jim gave a platform talk, everyone else was either presenting posters or visiting poster.  In 2015 I was abroad and in 2016, life happened.  I am totally excited to try to get back to one of my favorite cities on the planet, New Orleans, for the 2017 event.

Student travel is supported by grants from the Dean of Faculty's Office, for which we are grateful.