Many BCBP majors seek Study Away opportunities. We have included some relevant details below, but students are first advised to discuss their plans for study away with their academic advisers and they should definitely reach out to the Amherst College Office of Global Education for details and information on study away opportunities.

Choosing Fall or Spring Semester Study Away

Students interested in study away should choose a semester to be away htat is compatible with still fulfilling their BCBP major requirements.  Note that it is often difficult to fulfill the BCBP laboratory requirement through study abroad programs, so advanced planning is critical.  Students have had the most flexibility by planning early so that their BCBP requirements can be fulfilled in the semesters in which they are on campus; however, students going to English-speaking study away programs have sometimes been able to fulfill one or two BCBP requirements while abroad.

Choosing Courses

For relevant courses taken while studying abroad, students should consult with their advisor, and seek approval for particular courses from the BCBP Chair.  Note that approval will require sending the Chair a course description and/or syllabus.